Atal Narayan Sahu

Atal Narayan Sahu 

Atal Narayan Sahu
Data Science Lead
PrashantAdvait Foundation
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I work as a Software Engineer at the PrashantAdvait Foundation.

Acharya Prashant is a spiritual teacher rooted in Advait Vedanta. In my view, his teachings are the highest words of love ever known to mankind. To learn more about his teachings and philosophy, I recommend watching this podcast.

If you’re interested in learning more about my professional background, feel free to check out my CV.



  1. REFL: Resource-Efficient Federated Learning
    A. M. Abdelmoniem, A. N. Sahu, M. Canini, S. Fahmy
    In ACM EuroSys’23

  2. On the Convergence Analysis of Asynchronous SGD for Solving Consistent Linear Systems
    A. N. Sahu, A. Dutta, A. Tiwari, & P. Richtárik
    In Linear Algebra and Applications

  3. Rethinking gradient sparsification as total error minimization
    A. N. Sahu, A. Dutta, A. M. Abdelmoniem, T. Banerjee, M. Canini, & P. Kalnis
    In NeuRIPS’21

  4. Efficient Sparse Collective Communication and its application to accelerate Distributed Deep Learning
    J. Fei, Chen-Yu Ho, A. N. Sahu, M. Canini, & A. Sapio
    In ACM SIGCOMM 2021

  5. On the Discrepancy between the Theoretical Analysis and Practical Implementations of Compressed Communication for Distributed Deep Learning
    A. Dutta, E. H. Bergou, A. M. Abdelmoniem, Chen-Yu Ho, A. N. Sahu, M. Canini, & P. Kalnis
    In Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2020

  6. Natural Compression for Distributed Deep Learning
    S. Horváth, Chen-Yu Ho, L. Horváth, A. N. Sahu, M. Canini, & P. Richtárik
    3rd Annual Conference on Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning, PMLR


Email: atalnsahu[at]gmail[dot]com; atal.narayan[at]advait[dot]org[dot]in